Terms and conditions
o The customer is obliged to perform the reservation, payment and other operations in accordance with the conditions and the instructions for use displayed in the reservation environment. When performing each operation and entering data, the customer undertakes to carefully check the data entered by him and is responsible for their correctness.
o The service provider has the right not to fulfill the customer’s order if the customer has not fulfilled the conditions of the booking environment, the instructions or orders made known by HOIA nature spa, including, for example, if the customer is not able to provide exhaustive proof of making the payment.
o The service provider makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information about services and prices displayed in the booking environment (including, but not limited to, amounts, descriptions or dates) are accurate and without defects, but does not guarantee the complete correctness of the information and is not responsible for it. The service provider will do everything reasonably possible to eliminate defects or errors in the booking environment in a timely manner.
o Service provider price information is provided at www.hoianaturespa.com. All prices of the service provider are reflected in euros and include VAT established in the Republic of Estonia.
o When booking a service, the entire cost must be paid for the service in advance. If the customer cancels the reservation less than 5 days before the booked date or if the service is not used, the prepaid amount will not be returned.
o To formalize the reservation, the customer selects the desired service (house, service package or additional service), the number of people and the time of use of the service in the reservation environment, by date and time, and fills in other data fields required in the reservation environment. The customer must then enter his personal data (first name, last name, e-mail address, phone number).
o Before final confirmation of the reservation, the customer undertakes to check the correctness of the information provided. By clicking “Booking” at the end of the booking form, the customer confirms acceptance of the terms and conditions and familiarization with the privacy notice. The customer is then forwarded to the payment environment, where it is possible to pay for the reservation by Visa or MasterCard debit or credit.
o The terms and conditions and privacy policy can be viewed and downloaded via the corresponding web link.
o When making payments, the service provider uses the Stripe payment platforms. After successful payment, the customer is redirected to the service provider’s website and the reservation.
o The reservation can be canceled by e-mail at . The service provider does not compensate for missed service.
o If the reservation is canceled less than 5 days before the start of the reservation, the advance payment will not be refunded, unless the reservation is canceled for a reason directly and directly from the service provider.
o The service provider is liable for the damage caused to the customer due to the violation of the terms and conditions only if the violation is intentional or due to gross negligence. The service provider is not responsible for the customer’s lost income, non-pecuniary damage or damage caused by the interruption of operations.
o The invalidity of one provision of the terms or its part due to non-compliance with legislation does not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the terms or the remaining part of the corresponding provision.
o If the customer finds that the service does not meet the established conditions, the service provider must be informed immediately and directly, including all available or available evidence.
o Claims must be submitted to the email address . The service provider responds to the submitted claim at least in a form that allows resubmission in writing within 14 days.
o Disputes between the client and the service provider are resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute will be resolved in Harju County Court.